2009年11月4日 星期三

快樂的演唱會 Pleasant performance

There is one girl singing, one playing a flute and another one playing a little harp. And still one is dancing. This is a pleasant performance.

三年一班 秋季比賽
- 2009/11/4

蜻蜓小姐和掃把 Ms. dragonfly and broom

There are many strange flowers in the world. These flowers look like a dragonfly and a broom.

三年一班 秋季比賽
- 2009/11/4

海底七彩魚 A rainbow fish on the sea floor

There is a rainbow fish lives in the dark sea floor. It has apple shape of scales and waves to me.

三年一班 秋季比賽
- 2009/11/4